Monday, November 05, 2007

strike = STROKE

Having had a natural mistrust of the recording capabilities of VCR's in their heyday, I have--at times--been somewhat metaphorically chained to my TV set because of my love of prime time television programming. With the creation of such wonderful new inventions as the DVR, I've experienced a freedom heretofore unheard of...I could be a die-hard fan AND be away from home between the hours of 7-10pm! This independence has been sweet...but now we face another foe. Soon there will be no new shows for my lovely little DVR player to record! Yikes!!

Perhaps you have discovered by this point that the Writer's Guild has gone on strike over contract disputes with regard to DVD and Internet sales of the TV shows that they write for...I don't quite understand the fine details of this matter, but, based on what I'm hearing, I am beginning to understand how this will effect ME and I'm not so happy!!! Dear reader, you must understand: I am a single woman of limited financial means and no children or small animals to keep me occupied. I must have SOMETHING to fill up my evenings and keep my mind off of my impending spinsterhood!

If you're looking for a little info on this most unfortunate turn of events, check out this short interview and article. I will cut-and-paste a portion of the article that causes the most pain:

Are shows like 24 and Lost in Jeopardy? USA Today runs down the many other ways the one-day-old strike has already impacted the TV season, including the cancellation of NBC’s planned Heroes spin-off, a possible postponement of the new season of 24 and a potentially shortened (to eight episodes!) season of Lost.

Oh my!! What will we do?! This is just too much! The cost is too high!! Give these writers what they want oh present-day money barons of the network conglomerates!! Can't you see what you're doing to us common folk! I might be forced out of my home--bored with re-runs and suffocated by obnoxious reality TV--and forced to interact with actual human beings for evenings on end! This is something I cannot comprehend! Please, for the love of all that is good and pure in this sad little world of ours, don't let this drag on for months as some are predicting! Give us our first-runs back!!! Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.

PS...I'm with the writers on this one. I realize that this could cause me much pain if it continues, but I do think it's only right that they are fairly compensated for their work in all areas of revenue. That's my two cents, anyway!

1 comment:

Kent said...

The writer's strike will hurt many of us, and it is kinda sad how much we depend on them, but I don't think it will last that long because the bureaucrats will realize how much they need the writers and will give them their due.