Wednesday, November 28, 2007

But what I really want to know is...

I live on the red line. Not the red zone, the red line. Ya know, that fun little gauge often accompanied by a little light-up gas pump. I hate getting gas! For years my dream has been that someone would develop some little pill that I could just drop into the gas tank and PRESTO: A full tank! I hate tanking up! I've considered purchasing a hybrid vehicle, not because my heart bleeds for the environment (of which I support in all it's green glory!), but in the hope that better gas mileage would mean less trips to the gas station. Did I mention that I hate getting gas?

So tonight I saw a commercial for Honda's new fuel cell vehicle (FCX Clarity) and my first thought was not, cool! near-zero emissions! but hmmmm...I wonder if that would eliminate trips to the gas station?! Selfish and insensitive, I know, but if I can't be selfish and insensitive on my own blog, where else can I be?! And of course I would be delighted that the car helped the environment while simultaneously helping me! I'm not oblivious to the plight of the planet! Anyway, I digress. In case you're curious about this vehicle of the future, you can check it out on the Honda site. I also found this article explaining how you might tank up this wonder vehicle: a "Home Energy Station unit, which sits outside your house and reforms natural gas to produce enough Hydrogen to power both the car and the home's energy needs at around 50% of the normal cost and with a 30% emissions reduction." Isn't that GREAT?! I mean, if I still have to tank up, I'd much rather do it at home...assuming that, by the time these vehicles are available for the mass market, I would, indeed, own my own home! Well, lots of things to dream about...

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