Sunday, November 04, 2007

Christmas (music) comes early...

Now, I am not one to start the Christmas festivities too early--I'm a fan of my birthday AND Thanksgiving, both of which come before--but I must say that, when I learned that Josh Groban had FINALLY recorded a Christmas CD, I rushed out to buy it! I've been waiting for this for years now!! So, sad as it is, if you happen to see me on the road, suffice it to say that you will probably catch me listening to some Christmas tunes a month too early. . .I mean, it's Josh Groban, people!!


Mr. and Mrs. D said...

So how is it? I am so jealous!

Looks like your blogging is going well--much better than me.

Keep it up! I need some good stuff to read.

Phillip Hintze said...

Wow, Beth. I mean, I would be excited for you if Josh Groban wasn't totally lame. Anyway, enjoy?


beth hintze said...

Thank you for that incredibly tactful and well-spoken comment, Phillip. Feel free to judge; it effects me not!

Phillip Hintze said...

It's always a pleasure. Besides, it's been too long since I've been able to annoy you.