Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Mysteries of TVland

A random collection of observations and curiosities...

  • In TVland, people always drive with their windows down. I only ever roll my window down to engage in some drive-thru transaction, but people in TVland always ride with their windows down all of the time...and their hair never gets messed up...and they're usually not listening to the radio, either.
  • No one ever goes to the bathroom (unless it progresses the storyline, that is.)
  • It would be really cool (and convenient) to have background music--it lets you know when you should be concerned, it enhances the romance and drama of significant moments, it sets the mood...background music would be SO neat in real life!
  • If my car ever becomes a crime scene, I could only hope that it would be as clean as the crime scene cars in TVland! Seriously, they would never find significant fibers or scene-stealing clues in MY car...but they would find lots of random junk and a dashboard in serious need of some detail work!
  • The plethora of beautiful people always amazes me. I realize that TVland does not represent reality, in part, because the whole idea of TV is to escape reality, but seriously, there are no ugly people...and if they are ugly, it's bizarro ugliness that is intended to set the character off as an odd-ball or quirky. (i.e., I have NEVER been on a plane with as many beautiful people as those that populate the cast of LOST!)
  • And, while fat leading men can be found--usually with stick-insects for wives--you rarely, if ever, see fat women in leading roles unless they are the mother-figure of the show.
  • No one ever runs out of anything--like bread or toothpaste or clean underwear--unless it progresses the storyline and you never see anyone going grocery shopping or doing laundry.
  • No one pays bills.
  • Broke people still manage to have amazing apartments and great furniture.
  • Children are only rolled out when it advances the storyline...and then the rest of the time they seem to only be in the living areas of the house when it's time for meals or bed.
  • No one in TVland seems to have a living room lay-out designed around the location of the TV--ironically, most TVland homes don't seem to have TV's in their living rooms at all!

Alright, I could go on-and-on, but I'm sure you get the gist. And I know that having these things would take away that which makes TVland special and fun...but it's just stuff I've noticed in my wide range of TV viewing! Anyone have their own observations...other than the fact that I watch and/or think about TV too much?!

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