Thursday, November 22, 2007

Just Say No To Turkey!

That's right dear reader! This year our family just said NO to turkey on Thanksgiving! How sick and twisted is that?! Instead, we had barbecue ribs and chicken, roasted corn grits (which I've recently become kinda obsessed with) and rice dressing along with the more traditional green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie. I must say that the meal was quite delightful! A wonderful time was had by all! Happy Thanksgiving, dear reader!! And if you're hitting all of those great Black Friday sales starting at 4am tomorrow, ...lemme know how that goes for ya! But wait until a little later to call because you won't catch me up and shopping at such a psychotic hour!


Bee-ryan said...

We didn't have turkey either. I thought we were the only ones. The food was great tho. I have enough left-overs for a week, and for that, I am thankful.

debbie said...

We did have turkey and ponce and all the traditional trimmings. It was great!

And Gale, Jenny, Josh and Ashley and I did hit the 4:00 a.m. sale at Kohl's this morning, a first for each of us. And probably a last! But I did get a Kitchen Aid stand mixer at a great bargain and some Christmas items for Mikey too.

Glad you had a good holiday. Hope everyone is doing well.

beth hintze said...

I haven't had ponce in a really long time! ...and I'm glad to know that y'all found the early morning shopping to be beneficial! Better thee than me! ;)