Sunday, November 27, 2005

What, you can't read my mind?

It's funny how we come to rely on these blogs to help us to 'keep in touch' with each other. A few people have asked me about Erica being on bed rest. Obviously, I've only been telling parts of stories, so I thought I would take the opportunity to update everyone.

Erica is doing well. (As you can see!) She does have mild preeclampsia, so her doctor has put her on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. They are monitoring everything weekly and everybody is doing fine. She will probably end up delivering the baby around 37 weeks, which will be the week before Christmas, so we'll have a Christmas baby!

I got to go with Erica for an ultrasound during the break and it was, again, really neat! I guess he was sleeping so the nurse had to 'buzz' him and push him around a little so that we could see anything. Yeah, he's already acting a whole lot like his mama! (And if you knew Erica as a kid, you would understand completely!! ;) But everything is progressing nicely and we're all getting excited! They are still working on a name for the little fella, so if you have any suggestions...

And she'll kill me when she sees that I've posted this picture! :D It took me three tries to succeed in actually taking this picture without laughing! Erica is such a ham for the camera!


Bee-ryan said...

She's going to hang you....hahaha

Chuchey Dradey said...

That is beutiful.... and yet scary at the same time.

beth hintze said...

Yeah, what originally started as some pictures of Erica in the full glory of her pregancy soon turned silly...and a little scary! ha!!