Tuesday, November 29, 2005

oh HOW cute!!!

Tonight, while flipping through the channels (as my beloved Gilmore Girls wasn't playing, *tear*), I happened upon the CUTEST thing I've seen in a long time. For the first few seconds, I really thought it was one of those very sad MADD commercials. Ya know. The ones where they show the cute school play and then tell you that the little girl in the last frame was killed by a drunk driver on the way home from the performance that night, but it wasn't. It was a First Grade Thanksgiving play that was playing on the public access station! It was SOOOOO cute! You may think it weird, but I HAD to take pictures!! I'm a camera fool when cute kids are around! It's ridiculous, I know. I just thought I'd share a few of the shots with you:

this was the end of a song called "The Turkey Trot"

This was a cute little comedy act about having turkey for the Thanksgiving meal. It ends with the Turkey saying he would be at the table for lunch and they'll be having chicken! ha!

A little exchange between Pilgrims and Indians--I didn't post pics from the Mayflower scene or the first Thanksgiving meal...but those were cute too!

Taking a bow

"The kids are great in Room 108!" Oh, I wish I could post video here! It was too cute for words!!


Bee-ryan said...

Speaking of kids, my buck-toothed cousin is FINALLY getting braces. Gonna cost like $13,000. They are going to have a break his jaw and reset it. I told you that boy had a jacked up grill.

Chuchey Dradey said...

Kids like these will be scarred the rest of their lives because they will always be mom's little turkey... I know I was scarred.

Jenny Hintze said...

d.rad, do you know beth? just curious. and those pilgrims do look like they have boobies.