Tuesday, November 01, 2005

...and the clouds were rolled away

A front came through last night, bringing with it some much-needed rain and leaving us with a rather dreary, blustery Tuesday. Tonight when I was leaving school, the clouds were clearing out and the sky was beautiful so I decided to snap a few shots.
I saw this scene (above) from my classroom as I packed up for the day. I was struck by the vividness of the late afternoon sunlight against the deeply colored clouds in the background.

I wish I could have captured the movement of the fast-moving clouds. It was really beautiful...and here is yet another weather post! What is wrong with me?! I promise, I do more than report the weather...or at least I used to!!!

1 comment:

Bee-ryan said...

You are so artsy-fartsy. By the way, are you still talking to Mike Griffin?