Sunday, November 13, 2005

7 days

Well, it is upon us...the dreaded birthday week. It's the last week of my 20's and what do I have planned? What exciting and 'carpe diem' kind of events do I have in mind for this final week?! Not a darn thing! I get to go to school ALL week and deal with holiday-hyper kids, and next weekend what do I have to look forward to? Nothing! Well, Joni and I talked about going to dinner on Saturday and I do have friends who are part of a concert next Sunday in New Orleans, and I'm kinda thinking about going to that...but that's it! No parties (surprise or otherwise) planned. Ugh, I need IN TOWN friends!!

On the gift front, I have made it abundantly known to my 7th graders that my birthday is next weekend (November 20th, if you haven't already figured that out!), and they're still 'little kid' enough that some of them will probably give me gifts...which was a little pathetic on my part, I realize! But one of my kids' mom owns a cute little gift shop and I like nice (i.e., expensive) candles!! ;) A few months back I was toying with the idea of registering for all kinds of stuff b/c I want new stuff and as the wedding may never happen, my theory is people can just go ahead and start giving me whatever they were gonna give me for my wedding now! I had it all planned out. Some places will let you do a general 'gift registry' but for those places that only had a wedding registry, I was going to be engaged to 'Noah Bodie'--get it?! It was fun to think about, but I got a little worried that no one would bother with it and I'd be even more depressed than I already am, so I abandoned the idea! [But if you're interested, I want a new bedset at Target, so Target giftcards are always welcomed! ;) ]

I'm sure this week on the blog will be a combination of childish joy (b/c I've always enjoyed my birthday) and ridiculous depression (b/c I'm turning freakin' 30-years-old!) Just be prepared for a healthy dose of nonsense! Oh, and I found out today from some random website that tells you what random holiday/awareness day is on your birthday that MY birthday is Absurdity Day! How...absurd?! ;) ...and on a rather depressing note with regard to my fear that cats will start swarming me soon, in the past week I've seen two BEAUTIFUL cats and I was even tempted to consider getting one of my own! hmmmmm, I truly think they can sense my impending spinsterhood and are trying to brainwash me!


Anonymous said...

You are not going to become a cat woman! You are a wonderful girl (and in a few days you'll be a wonderful woman!!) 30 is wonderful...wait and see. You'll be surprised at how freeing it is! You will finally be allowed to be a real adult.
All this coming from your friend who is about to turn 31...who knew I'd ever admit my real age?!!

Bee-ryan said...

Happy Birthday Week!
OH...and NO cats, please...I beg of you. I hate cats. I thought you were more of a dog-lover anyway.