Saturday, February 12, 2005

Valentine's Day--Bah, Humbug!!!

With February 14th quickly approaching, I feel it necessary to comment on some of the more traditional elements of this retail-exploited holiday otherwise known as Valentine's day. Today my topic of discussion is roses:

So what's the big deal about roses anyway? I mean, all they are is a flimsy bunch of petals attached to a THORNY stick! And the cut ones are dying anyway, for pete's sake--so in a few days or a week, you have a wilting bunch of death sitting on your desk for everyone to see!

Well, ok--maybe they can be kind of ok to look at--if you're into that kind of thing. . .

Alright, they are beautiful--there, I said it! Are you happy now?

And I don't know this from PERSONAL experience or anything, but I'm sure it would be ok to receive roses, like at work or something. . .. I wouldn't know because it's never happened to me personally. . . but I've seen other people receive them and it SEEMS kinda nice.

Ok, it would be great to receive them at work!

Gee, if only there were some occasion coming up. Something that would give someone a reason to send ME roses at work (physical address: 609 Victory Drive, New Iberia, LA)?!

Not that a person should NEED a reason to send roses. . .

And not that there is a person, anyway. . .

*sigh* Valentine's day. . .bah, humbug! ;)

1 comment:

Mrs. D said...

Hey! Loved the post, Beth! How you can manage to sum up MY thoughts so well is pretty darn well amazing. By the way, for all you comment readers out there, my work address is the same as Beth's. That's Jennifer Moy....
J-E-N-N-I-F-E-R M-O-Y. I prefer pink, but any color will do. Oh, and I like lots of greenery, too. Oh, and a really nice message on the card. Oh, and....well, I guess that's enough for now.