Sunday, February 13, 2005

Godiva! What are you thinking?!

Ok, after much time spent staring at the pretty box, I decided to actually open the box of Godiva chocolates that Jonathan gave me last night (Thanks, Jon!) Upon removing the fun little ponytail thingie and the pretty ribbon, I remove the shiny lid only to be hit with THIS:

I realize that every woman recognizes that little piece of paper on top, but for those of you who are clueless, I have included this pic:

REALLY now?! WHAT is Godiva thinking?! I mean, come on!! Don't they know that this is supposed to be one of those luxury gifts where we all pretend that the calories don't exist! Couldn't they have tucked that little piece of paper ANYWHERE else in the friggin' box? No, they put it RIGHT on top as if to say, "Oh, yeah. By the way--these delectable sweets are loaded with fat and calories! Enjoy!!" The jerks! Well, I managed to get past it, but I did feel the need to vent about it a little! ;)

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