Monday, February 14, 2005

I got flowers!. . .At work!!. . .On Valentine's Day!!!

I have never been so utterly surprised in all of my life! I know I wrote the post lamenting the fact that I’d never received roses at work, but I didn’t think that anyone would actually take me seriously!! So there I was, eating my lunch like I normally do, when Janie and Carol (Principal and Asst. Principal) come walking in with a beautiful vase of pink roses. The hope jumps into my head as it usually does, “I wish they were for me!” but that thought is quickly squelched by another, “Are they ever?” and I wait semi-patiently to see who Janie’s bringing them to. She circles the teacher’s table with the roses held high above our heads (Janie is a bit dramatic!) and I’m trying to guess which one of the married teachers at the table they belonged to but Janie doesn’t stop by any of them so I just assume she’s passing behind me to bring them to the table of some lucky student who’s parents sent them as a surprise. When, lo and behold, she puts them down in front of ME!! Oh my gosh, I have never been so surprised in all of my life!! Of course now everyone wants to know what’s going on and my face is about as pink as the roses, but I manage to make it through the rest of lunch and back to the classroom in one piece. The blush has now given way to a goofy smile, but I still can’t believe they’re for me. Thank you, Jonathan. You’ve been a GREAT Valentine! ;)


Mrs. D said...

See....and you thought I couldn't keep a secret!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness! I can't believe it! Roses for VDAY! That is so sweet...I need to know more about this Jonathon guy.

Melissa Muldoon said...

Hi Beth, I smiled a big smile when I saw that you had received your roses...I know you were kidding around with your earlier posts, it was pretty amusing...but hey, even kidding around puts the idea out there in the universe and gets results! Not even the most devoted man, or woman for that matter, is a mind reader, and I have always believed that if a woman truly wants something she has to start early and often broadcasting her needs and wants, (subtly or not so subtly, that's her call.) That is why I start reminding everyone about my birthday a month beforehand. Not only does my birthday turn into a month-long celebration, absolutely no one forgets the day (because basically I won't let them!) I have the nicest birthdays as a result! : - ) Enjoy the roses (or what is left of them by now! Melissa