Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Nashville or Bust!


I am very excited about tomorrow! Tomorrow I'm headed to Nashville, TN, home of country music, other stuff, and Lifeway Christian Resources--my summer employers. I'm going to director's weekend! We're actually flying into N'ville, and then being bussed out to some retreat center in the middle of nowhere, but you get the idea. I'm so very excited because this is my first training weekend in preparation for camp this summer and I'm ready to start thinking CAMP!! For those of you who don't know me, I have worked for Centrifuge--a youth camp produced by Lifeway Christian Resources--for five years now and I love it!! This will be my third year on the East Coast travel team and I'll be directing the team this year.

So with that bit of information must come a little bad news. Please try to restrain the tears when I tell you that I don't think I'm going to get the chance to blog as I'll be miles away from civilization and I'm sure I'll be busy to boot! So I must bid you adieu and beg you not to forget me as I take this short hiatus in order to better prepare myself for a summer of camp! And who knows, maybe I shall return with pictures and stories to tell. . .stay tuned! ;)

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