Saturday, January 15, 2005

This one's for you, Jen!

Jen is a big fan of homemade signs, so I figured this would be right up her alley!


Mrs. D said...

Wow Beth! Thanks! Before reading the caption, I thought to myself, "What a ME kinda sign!" Thanks for thinking of me. I guess that talk on encouragement and unity did work a LITTLE bit.

Wishing you oodles and poodles of readers...but not more than me! HAHA! By the way, check MY blog out!

Now, how cheesy is that? Citing my own blog on your comment! I am sure I just broke some major blog rule! HEHE!

beth hintze said...

By all means, Jen. Feel free to beg, oh, I mean invite as many of my readers to read your blog as you need! I know it means alot to you, so I am HAPPY to share! I don't know where you get the idea that we're competing. Just remember who your first love is, guys--and be sure to tell all of your friends (about me, not this wacko who's riding on my coattails!) ;)