Friday, January 07, 2005

Announcing the New Arrival!

A little picture of my new baby!

Well, here she is. I have had her for a few days, but I've been a little too busy playing with her to make the big announcement. The brown stork dropped her off on Wednesday afternoon and it's been heaven ever since! I mean, I didn't know how much my new baby would affect my life, but she has! I couldn't wait until the weekend so I could have some uninterrupted quality time with her! Yeah, I know I'm being ridiculous, but it's fun. While I'm sure that such purchases are mundane and commonplace for most of you, It's been a big deal for me. I don't think I've ever paid this much for anything other than a car in my life. And it's just been one of those things that I said I wanted for so long--it's hard for me to realize that I, Beth Hintze, actually own my own laptop. Now I'm in the throws of "new parent" culture shock. I want to know how to do a hundred different things all at once and it drives me nuts that I have to take time to do such frustrating things as sleep and go to work!

This blog has taken on a new importance as well. I remember not so long ago when I didn't know WHAT a blog was--I'd heard about the concept but it was certainly never anything that I thought worthy of much attention. And then I met a new friend and he had one so it was fun to check it out and see what he was doing and thinking about. And from that point, an old friend decided that SHE needed a blog of her own. I lived vicariously through her for a while, but I finally got to the point where it was time for me to have my own. And here we are. It was just supposed to be this casual thing I'd do every now and then when I had something particularly funny or wise to say. But now, as Jen has told me many times, I see the world in a whole new light. I look at everything and wonder, "Can I blog about that?" (And this is another question, when did 'blog' become a verb? I know that you post on a blog, but in casual conversation, Jen and I tend to use the word 'blog' as a verb--is that normal or are we just nuts? ok, I already know the answer to that, but stick to the subject!) I may wax philosophical on the subject of blogging in subsequent posts, but it's Friday afternoon and I don't feel like thinking that hard right now! I'm off to a dinner party at my best friend's house--if I can remember how to get there! She lives out in the middle of rice fields--yikes!


A. Savona said...

Congratulations on your new laptop, Beth! Now that you are using "blog" as a verb, you know you're addicted. Good job. I knew it would happen to you, just as it has to Jen and me.

Carrie said...

congratulations on your new arrival! I can't wait to meet her...and more importantly...what is her name?

Jessica said...

Congratulations on your new one! When I first got my blog, I would think in "post." I would lie in bed thinking as if I were posting and think Yeah, I'm going to post about that. Of course, by morning, those ideas were long gone.

beth hintze said...

Thank you for your interest Carrie! Her name is Anastasia Isabella--she's a bit of a prima-donna, but I love her! ;)