Wednesday, January 05, 2005


The other night my sister asked me to pick up a few things for dinner on my way home. Since it was just a few items and it didn't matter to me if I paid $1.29 or $1.49 for a head of lettuce, I just stopped at Champagne's--a local grocery store (pronounced Sham-pines, for all of you who aren't from South Louisiana). I made my selections and arrived at the check-out counter, debit card in hand. As the cashier finished scanning the items, I slid my card through the little debit card machine and a funny thing happened. The machine asked me for my "Secret" code. I didn't know what it was talking about for a second and then I realized that it was refering to my PIN! I just think that's so funny--my "secret" code.

It made me wish that I had more secrets in my life! I realize the importance of keeping my PIN confidential and very few people are privy to that very important information, but it just sounds so much more exciting to call it a SECRET code. Sometimes I feel like my whole life is an open book. I wish I could be more mysterious. I have decided that, even if my life isn't mysterious, I can make it sound more so! So now my plans will be SECRET plans. My passwords will be SECRET codes. My normal, everyday conversations will be PRIVATE conversations. I think most of what is truly secret in the world is probably not that extraordinary. It simply sounds exciting because, by labeling it a secret, you're telling a majority of people that THEY don't get to know it! Obscurity always lends an air of mystery. So, I'm off to be mysterious. . . and who knows where I'll end up! ha!


Mrs. D said...
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Mrs. D said...

OK, are you wondering what my above comment could've contained? Hmmm...maybe something deliciously ummm...well, delicious. But I'll leave it at that....I am trying out this new mysterious thing myself!

Oh, you know what they say--mystery loves company! No wait! That's MISERY loves company! Oh well...

Kent said...

I can't say I've ever known you to be mysterious. But, don't get me wrong, openness is a valuable thing. I'd say even more valuable than mystery. Don't try to be something you're not and don't hide the things you already are and are good at :)

Anonymous said...

at work we have a search enginge for our customers and it's called "fuzzy search" I laughed out loud the first time I saw it. Was it me that was fuzzy or the search engine. Fuzzy is a great word-dt