Saturday, August 20, 2005

What the heck...and other bits of randomness

Who is felicia89gilbert and why in the world is she posting comments about timber on my post about school??? if you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out. I saw this on Phillip's blog too (see, "Yeah, sure you 'forgot',") what's the deal with this blog spamming?!? is this the new thing?! ugh! I have finally managed to avoid it in email--for the most part--so is this the next wave?
I experienced an interesting phenomenon today. This is completely unresearched, so I must rely on my personal experience from today as basis for my observation: Guys look at you more when you're wearing pigtails! I find this strange and interesting. I feel like all I ever do with my hair is pull it back in a ponytail these days--thank you Louisiana where it's still 100 degrees and 90% humidity at 6:02 pm (no lie! I saw it on the bank marquee near my house!)--so today I thought I'd do something different and I pulled it back into low pigtails. No big deal, right? Well, I don't know why, but I got more looks from guys.
I noticed it first at Hobby Lobby when I was shopping with my mom, but I just figured the guy was looking at me. Nothing weird. I was looking at him b/c he was wearing a strange maybe we were just noticing each other's unusual head-gear. So later I'm at Wal-Mart (sidenote: I hardly ever look at people when I'm at Wal-Mart. I shop--which includes a little browsing b/c I AM my mother's daughter--get my stuff, and get out. I love to people-watch, but Wal-Mart is just NOT the place!) and I'm shopping and talking on the phone--b/c it's Saturday and I have free minutes--and three different guys looked at me. They didn't give me a funny look b/c I did something weird. They just looked--but it was more than just a casual glance. It was definitely a LOOK. And one guy practically stared, so I looked back at him b/c I thought maybe I knew him, but I didn't so then we were both kinda staring at each other...and then he passed me in the aisle and thankfully that awkward moment was over (but a little sad too, b/c he was CUTE!) I just found it strange...anyone care to explain?
I've done a good amount of introspection in the past few weeks and I've come to some interesting and slightly disturbing conclusions about myself...but that's nothing I'm gonna share here! Bonny and I were discussing some of these today as I was shopping and I just want to say that it's rather strange to talk about your innermost thoughts and feelings while shopping for coffee and frozen foods!
Well, one week of school down, fifty-million to go! This week has been crazy! I'm both excited and somewhat nervous about my two Bible classes. One is a history of Christianity which has actually been fun, b/c I've always enjoyed history. I think my kids think I'm a little off my rocker sometimes b/c I get into the stories and start talking quickly--what, ME talk FAST?! please! ha!--but it's been cool. My Apologetics class scares me b/c I can't quite get a handle on how I want to work the class. I'm loving all of the research but I'm on overload, so my goal is to create a plan this weekend. Yeah, we'll see how well that goes! It's Saturday night and I'm nowhere NEAR a plan--but I've got a whole list of books to read!
Speaking of school, just call me "coach!" Have I mentioned that I'm assisting the PE teacher with PE? It's a rather large class of 35 8th-11th graders and she's worried that she'll lose some of them. It's been...LOTS of fun! ;) j/k--I am enjoying it, but I'm ready for a cool front! The great part is I'm shouting out orders and instructions when I don't even know what I'm talking about! "Control the ball!" "Keep it in the circle!" "Set with the tips of your fingers, not the palm!" It's great! But they keep making me participate and that COMPLETELY blows my cover! ;)
So I have a new boyfriend. Ha! Don't I wish! Anyway, I DID buy his new CD and I'm liking it. I LOVE his voice! You can here some of his songs here or here. Hey Emmie, hook a sista' up! ;)
Well, tonight was another one of those first scene in every romantic comedy movie ever made nights for me. Ya know the's Saturday night and the clever, cute but aloof single girl walks into her immaculate apartment (yeah, mine's JUST like those in the movies!) with Chinese take-out in one hand and a bag of movies in the other! Except this is a regular occurrence for me and either this is the worse movie ever made or I live a very boring life, because the plot does NOT pick up! I'm really not depressed about it or anything--if it bothered me, I wouldn't be blogging about it! On track for tonight's viewing entertainment: Hitch and The Incredibles--yeah, I'm one wild and crazy gal! ;)
Speaking of movies as life, I've always thought that it would be cool--and very useful--if we could have a running soundtrack. It would make life SO much easier! Just think, you'd know when danger was lurking, when you were about to receive bad news, when romance is in the would be GREAT! :)
Alright, I believe those are all the random thoughts I can muster up for tonight! See ya!

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