Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Alright, I have one of these now...don't quite know what to do with it, but it's there!

Alright, I am now on myspace.com. Check it out here. I have very little understanding of why I would want or need another thing about me out there on the world wide web, but ya know I can't resist. I mean I could be doing something productive with my time, but why?! I have no idea how this whole friends thing works, so feel free to...uhm, add me or whatever you call it...if in fact you ARE a friend. If you're a weird stalker-like person, stay away!! Thank you James Thiele...or I guess I'll say James Tealy and the 11th grade girls at HBCS for sucking me in! ;) I'm there now and a little lost!

PS, James' myspace actually has stuff on it...including music from his new album...cd...record (what do we call them now?) so check it out!! Go James! I'm excited for ya! (So where's my free cd?! ;)

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