Friday, August 12, 2005

School Daze

School days, school days,
Dear old golden rule days.
'Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic,
Taught to the tune of a hick'ry stick...

Ok, so all I knew of the song was the first line of the chorus, but it's fitting! Today was the first day of school at HBCS. In some ways, it feels like we never left! Jen and I were talking on the way home about how it seemed like we were just away on a short break. I think I am a little more ok with the whole idea of going back now. I didn't realize how much I've missed 'my kids.'

Our collective student body has grown a by leaps and bounds this year. We ended last year with 312 and begin this year with 365--and that includes a significant loss of former students in our middle/high school. The face of our middle/high school student body has changed a great deal since last year. We've had several leave to experience the 'joys' of public school and we have lots of new faces in their place.

The look of our campus is changing as well. Our new administrative offices are open and ready for action! Grace commented, "It's like we're a real school now!" which is funny, but true. After having our office in a converted house, the new office makes the whole thing seem more 'legit'! And the office has lots of great hiding places and escape routes just in case you don't want to run into anyone in particular! ;) (not that I would ever need anything like that personally, of course! ha!)

Work is wrapping up on our new middle/high school building. We should be moving in the week after Labor Day. That's exciting for us as well, although now I feel ENORMOUS pressure from the 11th graders to decorate my new room so that it won't "look like an insane asylum!!" (the jerks! ;) I'm gonna get around to taking a few pics of it all next week, so never fear! (I was a little busy this week, trying to figure out what in the world I was doing!)

Alright, that's all for now. I'm off to New Iberia to sit in on a little d-now action with the Highland youth group. And since I already know EXACTLY what I'm doing with regard to next week's lessons (yeah, right!) I thought I'd take a little road trip to New Orleans to visit some dear friends. Stay tuned for exciting re-caps when I return! ha!!

1 comment:

Kent said...

it's a crazy thing called "spam comments". do yourself a favor and just delete them. Saves you stress.