Tuesday, August 09, 2005

SCHOOL S-U-(oh, wait! I may have students reading!) *ahem*, School's Super! ;)

Monday began the pre-student days o' school-year bliss! It has been a whirl-wind of excitement, let me tell you. Ok, if you can't tell, I am a LITTLE less than excited to be starting the school year. It's not that I don't like school--because, as my sister likes to point out, I like school a little TOO much--and it's not that I don't like my students--I do, and I can't wait to see them--and it isn't that I don't love buying school supplies--I do! I LOVE school supplies--it's just giving up the sleep-til-nine-then-sit-around-in-your-pajamas-til-noon days of summer...and I had too few of them! *sigh* I am having fun (i.e., spending too much money) getting my room ready!

On a completely unrelated note, I had cheap Chinese buffet tonight--gotta love it when you can buy take-out by the pound!--and my fortune for this evening is: You are admirable, for you remained firm even when troubled by personal relationships. So what does THAT mean?! I've never been affirmed by a fortune for something I already did! And how exactly did I 'remain firm'? hmmmm, interesting...

Well, tomorrow is another fun-filled day of pretending to work on my room, while actually running back and forth between the office, my room, and Jen's room all day. I do have some stuff that I really need to get done, so I guess I'll do all of that stuff on Thursday night! ;) ...and when you hear the faint sounds of what you think could be a cell door slamming, think of me!

1 comment:

Bee-ryan said...

I heard Chung King (in Time Plaza), has a buffet for $5.95!