Thursday, January 26, 2006

Yeah, that's right...SEVEN!

One pooped pup!

Mom's dog Izzy had puppies yesterday! She's a small dog but she had a BIG belly, so we were expecting 4 or 5. Yeah, she is now the proud mamma of SEVEN black and tans!! 4 girls, 3 boys. And mom is looking for lemme know if you're interested! :)

Here is Izzy with her brood

One day old!


Bee-ryan said...

Oh my gosh...they are so tiny! I can't wait to play and pick one out! Well, better yet...have them pick me out.

Chuchey Dradey said...

They are soooo cute! Are there enough feeding stations on mama?

Jenny Hintze said...

I want one. But I want one after it's house trained and not chewing on things anymore. So you can just keep one for me for a year or so and then we'll come get it. How's that?