Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I don't know how, but every once in a while I manage to talk myself into believing that I'll actually get more work done if I go down to CC's to work. Of course once I'm here--laptop plugged in, coffee prepared, earbuds in--I realize that I'm completely delusional! I really just come to 'look studious' and people-watch! If I were really intent on getting down to work, I wouldn't bother connecting to the internet--but I spent 10 minutes at home before I left trying to locate a LAN cord to bring with me (my wireless doesn't work at CC's for whatever reason!) Yeah, I obviously had BIG plans to work! ha!! I wish coffeeshops would have been big when I were in college...I SO would have been one of those ppl who commandeer a table and set-up house! :D Speaking of, these college kids look so young...when did I get so old?! How did this happen? I realized the other day that the kids I taught as highschool freshmen would be seniors in college right now! That blows my mind! Where has the time gone? And what have I been doing with it?! That question haunts me often these days. Ok, this post is quickly becoming introspective so I'll leave you with that thought for now. (And NO old jokes Andi!!)


Chuchey Dradey said...

I miss CC's... All we have around here is Starbuck's. I loved the one on Gause in Slidell.

Jenny Hintze said...

I was in the Hasting's coffee place with some ladies from work for my birthday and some teenage boys came in and one looked right at us and said, "What's with all the old ladies?" There were three or four that were over 40, but most of us were under 35. Little punk!

Bee-ryan said...

College kids are looking so young. What's up with that? I'm starting to feel out of place because I'm a college kid too. I hope my age doesn't show. I'm as close to 30 as they are to just crossing over the "legal age." Oh my...I'm approaching 30.

Sarah said...

Geez, Beth. I just realized that I'm one of those "kids"...literally. Don't feel too bad, though. I'm getting my fair share of it. The baby freshman in the ice cream shop called me ma'am and a woman in Sam's today asked how old my child was when I went to buy some fruit gummies. Heck, I like the fruit gummies...they were for ME! And now I'm in the GAP Sunday School class and feeling ridiculously un-adult-like at all...