Saturday, March 19, 2005

Saturday, glorious Saturday!

I awoke after a 13 hour rest (yeah, I was really tired) to the realization that I have NOTHING planned for today! It's a wonderful feeling, as I feel like I've been running around like mad for the last month. I have plenty that I need to do--clean the apartment, hang pictures/decorate the apt (which always takes me forever to do), grocery shopping, work on camp stuff (I AM the director, for crying out loud!), read one of the six books I keep saying I'm going to read, etc, etc, etc...but I don't have any 10th grade fundraising events (did that last night), no papers to grade (grades were due yesterday so I stayed up late on Thursday night getting that done...ever the procrastinator), no camp planning retreats, no Josh Groban concerts (*sigh*), nothing! So what did I do first--well, first I made coffee ;)--I called my sister to see what she was doing because I can't just sit around here all day! :) And now I'm blogging...I wonder what the rest of the day will hold?! If I'm lucky, not much of consequence! ha!! Happy Saturday!

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