Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Holy Cereal, Batman!

Just got home from a spiritually fulfilling (ha!) day at school and was hungry but not quite ready for dinner, so I poured myself a bowl of Ezekiel 4:9. “Ezekiel 4:9?”--you say? Yeah, ALL the spiritual kids are eating it!! It is “The Original Flourless Sprouted Grain Cereal.” As described in the Holy Scriptures, “Take also unto thee Wheat and Barley and Beans and Lentils and Millet and Spelt and put them in one vessel and make bread of it…” Ezekiel 4:9—A Complete Protein Cereal . “The Live Grain Difference!” Here’s a pic:

A close-up of the cereal

Yeah, I was shopping in the healthy food section of Drug Emporium the other day and ran across this and my curiosity got the better of me. I read the entire box (which gives a good little background into live grains and unlocking dormant food energy and such) and just had to buy it and see what it was all about. I was prepared to hate it but it’s actually pretty good. Not anything I’d ever feed a young child or anything, but I like it. And I feel more holy already! ;)

A Trip and a Plan
This romp through the healthy food section was not some flash in the pan, folks. I began a new campaign on Monday that I have lovingly deemed the IDWTGTNYCLLAFC Campaign—or SC in NY for short (for those of you who aren’t good at figuring out my cryptic codes, this one is: I Don’t Want To Go To New York City Looking Like A Fat Cow. SC in NY is simply Skinny Cow in New York—you should see the codes on some of my stored boxes!! ) Day three and I’ve decided that I’m just sorta easing into it. I’m doing great on eating healthy—it’s just all of the junk that I pick up in between! People shoving chocolate birthday cake and benigets into my (albeit open) hands! Ugh, where has all of my willpower gone? I’m hoping this trip will begin to provide some inspiration soon—at the very least it’s inspiring me to eat at home to save $$$!

For those of you whom I have not told, I am going to New York in May with my friends Bonny and Jen. We are leaving the day school lets out and getting back three days before I have to be in Nashville to leave for camp! Yeah, I like filling EVERY last minute of free time! I’m so excited!! I love being a tourist. I hate tourists if I’m living somewhere, but I love being one!! We’re going to see a few shows (Julius Caesar—staring Denzel Washington; Wicked (which a pre-story to the Wizard of Oz); and The Phantom of the Opera). I also want to go to a baseball game and the Yankees are playing the Red Sox at home while we’re there, but the games are all sold out, so if anyone has some tickets lying around, let me know!! And we’re still making plans…so if you have any suggestions as to where we should go or what we should see, drop me a line because I’m looking for all of the advice I can get. I just can't wait! Bring on the Ezekiel 4:9!!

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