Saturday, March 05, 2005

Sales, Boys, and a Mad Black Woman...

Erica told me about some sales going on at the mall recently, so I thought I’d go tonight and take a look since I hadn’t been in about a month or so. Two shirts, two sweaters, a skirt, and a bunch of Bath and Body Works antibacterial products later, I’m home. But hey, it was all on sale! Well, all but the skirt, but I’m concocting a new outfit for the Josh Groban concert NEXT WEEKEND!! I must say I AM excited! Jen and I are going. She has a countdown on her white board at school that says, “____ days until Josh.” She’s so funny. We are both big fans. He has an amazing voice! And he seems like a nice person, too. The concert is in New Orleans and I’m excited about that too because I love being in New Orleans. There’s just so much to do!

Anyway… this is turning out to be a rather random post, but I never really do those much, so tonight is just unique…

I saw Dupie in the mall tonight (it’s a nickname and I have no idea if I’m spelling it correctly.) I think I see him EVERY time I go to the mall—he works there so that accounts for some of it, but here lately, I see him in the mall itself—not just where he works. We went through a stage a while back where saw each other randomly about twice a week. He accuses me of stalking him; I accuse him of living in the mall. He’s a funny guy…

Last night a few of us from school went to dinner at Outback and to see a movie. I had mahi mahi and boy, it was goodi goodi!! We then went to see The Diary of a Mad Black Woman. It was really good. I didn’t know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. It was hilarious in spots, dramatic and disturbing in spots, heartbreaking in spots, and incredibly romantic in spots. (It had a lot of spots!) I was particularly impressed with the Christian messages it expressed without being a “Christian” movie. There’s other stuff I really liked too, but I don’t want to give the movie away, so we’ll have to talk about that later…

Today the 10th grade girls put on “Camo Craze” day for the elementary boys at our school. It was yet another fundraiser for their class fund. The goal of the fundraising is supposed to be a class trip at the end of the year, but I’m hearing rumors that they are not wanting to do that…all I have to say is that we BETTER go somewhere and it BETTER be good! Believe me, I am not doing these “Princess Parties” and “Camo Craze” parties for the fun of it! I took a whole bunch of really cute pictures, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post them on my blog—I’ll confab with my lawyers and get back to you…

I will post one picture from my day.

hey, it's me!
I took this self-portrait while waiting for instructions as we set up this morning. I was bored and ready to take pictures! :)

Anyway, it was a long day and I’ve enjoyed the evening of solitude. I know in years past, the thought of being by myself on a Saturday night would have driven me crazy, but I’m quite enjoying my evening alone…I guess it has a little to do with growing up and learning to enjoy your own company? It’s been nice.

1 comment:

debbie said...

Great picture of you Beth. When are you coming to visit us?