Saturday, October 22, 2005

Random Thoughts

Don't you hate it when you're in line to pay at the gas station and some middle aged man is standing too close to you while waiting to buy a 40-ounce can of beer at 9:45 in the morning? yeah, me too...


I was talking to my friend Jonathan the other night and was telling him about how my up-coming birthday was beginning to depress me and he was like, oh yeah, that's a month from today, right? (we were talking on Oct 20) UGH!!! For whatever reason, that had not occurred to me yet and somehow in my mind i was still thinking it was like five or six weeks it's less than a month!!! ughhhhhh...


Parent-Teacher conferences are of the devil! (Not the parents themselves, just the conferences!)


I went to the Todd Agnew concert at LC with Jen tonight. I took a few pictures and when I have some energy, maybe I'll post a few here. Emory took many more pictures with one of the band guy's NEAT camera and so he'll be posting those and i'll nab some of those as well. The concert was great. We missed the opening bands (see previous random comment for further information) but we enjoyed ourselves. I have more thoughts but since the whole "Mike Griffin reading my blog thing," I'm all the sudden a little more shy about sharing my thoughts and feelings on this suddenly very public space! ;)


It's late, I'm tired...

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