Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Packaged Air For Sale

Ok, am I the only one who finds the concept of 'packaged air' hilarious? Today I received a package containing three little baggies filled with nothing but air, and this fascinating filler has prompted tonight's post. I first experienced this phenomenon in the fall of 2002 when I opened a box of books shipped to one of the professors I was working for. I was fascinated with the idea that someone had 'discovered' such an interesting product. Jim laughed at me...come to think of it, Jim laughed at me a lot when I worked for him! ;) Anyway, back to the point--I've seen the little bags of air several times since then and they still make me laugh every time I see them. While I completely understand the purpose of this packing product, the thought that people have figured out a way to sale packages of air (or, in the case of the link, a machine that will produce these little 'air pillows') is beyond me. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks 'packaged air' is funny, but it is my prerogative to laugh just the same!


Jessica said...

I think it's pretty funny! They also sell "canned heat." Its that get fuel for chafing dishes or fondue pots. For some reason I've never gotten over "canned heat." Packaged air is really funny too!

Phillip Hintze said...

Do you actually pay for yours? I always get them to throw 'em in free with the deal. Either that or those crunchy styrofoam peanuts. I don't know if you've tried them, but they're delicious.

beth hintze said...

i guess i should have clarified; i have never PAID for packaged air. they've always just come with whatever is being shipped to me. I just find it amusing that the people who are sending the item to me have spent money to produce something that is simply a bag of air. and yes, the peanuts are lovely Phillip!