Monday, April 04, 2005

More wisdom from the World According to Mr. Rogers

This is from March 26/27: "I've always tried to love my neighbor as myself; however, the more experiences I've had, the more chances I've had to see the uniqueness of each well as each tree, and plant, and shell, and cloud...the more I find myself delighting every day in the lavish gifts of God, whom I've come to believe is the greatest appreciator of all."

Ok, this is me: I'm coming to realize that I don't take time to appreciate the people in my life. I often take for granted those who are closest to me. I don't think I use people or take advantage of them. I just mean that I don't express how much I appreciate them. I'm not meaning for this to be a blanket, "Hey, I appreciate you!" that I'm sending out to everyone who thinks I should appreciate them. I'm just realizing that I need to be more intentional about encouraging people and complementing them when I see a trait that I admire. It's always been easier for me to find fault than to find reasons for praise, but I am realizing all over again how futile the former can be and how much more productive praise and genuine encouragement are in every area of life. Yes, no one is perfect, but why do I feel like it's my responsibility to point that out? I'm making a concerted effort to focus on the good and to encourage that in the people in my circle.

1 comment:

Bee-ryan said...

"WHALE Done" Beth!