Sunday, April 10, 2005


I am completely blank. I have nothing in my head to write about! This is so weird! I never have nothing to talk about. I usually have an internal dialogue going 24/7--what is wrong with me?! Well, until something comes to me, I guess I'll write about my weekend--since I know you're dying to hear all about that!

Friday night was the 1st annual HBCS auction. It was a really big deal for the school and basically everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off all day getting ready for it. Of course the most popular cry of the students was, "can we go help?" some more out of a desire to get out of class than a desire to truly help the cause, I suspect. ;) One of my major responsibilities that evening was to help Jen and the 10th grade girls who volunteered to babysit for the event. It was a whole lot of fun! One of my favorite kindergarteners was there. His name is Ethan. Ethan can be a challenge at times, and I don't know what it is, but I just love this kid!

this is Ethan at Camo Craze

Well, that was my big Friday night. On Saturday, I did some shopping with my sister. As I have a co-ed readership, I won't go into more detail on that, but we had a GREAT time, didn't we Erica?! We also ran into our former high school English teacher--very random. Later that evening, I went to dinner at Jason's Deli with Jen and her singles Sunday school class group. We then went to see Sahara starring Matthew McConaughey, Steve Vaughn, and Penelope Cruz. Matthew looked great, Steve was hilarious, Penelope was the stereotypical semi-useless female. The movie was alright, but I can honestly say, I wasn't going looking for a great plot! :) After that, a few of us went over to CC's for coffee and conversation.

Sunday has been mostly church. I help out with tech stuff (I run MediaShout/Power Point for the services) so I went to all three services today! For lunch I went out to my mom's house and heard all about last week's HOG Rally--my stepfather is a Harley owner and he was a site coordinator for this year's state rally. Mom then took me around the back yard and pointed out EVERY blooming plant she has!! I heard all about some mysterious rust spots that are showing up on her amarylis leaves and all sorts of other things I didn't know I wanted to know! Mom is so funny. Forget her thumb, I think her whole body is green! I brought my sick ivy for her to work on for me because I have no clue how to make it better. She loves a challenge!

So now I'm at home, excited about another day of school tomorrow! It's standardized testing this week and then I'm out Thursday and Friday for a training weekend for camp. Well, that's me and my exciting life! I'm sure it's been riveting! ;) goodnight!

1 comment:

Bee-ryan said...

I really need to tour Mrs. Linda's garden! Rust spots...I am drawing a blank, but I am guessing that it is a fungus. I can check a few sources; although, I am sure it would be quicker for her to talk to someone at Chastant's. I cannot wait for the day when I can have my own garden, and I am plagued with the great challenges of keeping my friends' plants alive and well.