Sunday, July 23, 2006

our BIG night out

At the end of our coodinator's visit, we always go out to a 'staff appreciation dinner.' This year, we went to The Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC. It was AMAZING!! It's so fun to see us all so dressed up...although i'm still undecided as to whether we should actually be seen in public! A group of 35 people is always a spectacle, but make that 35 fuge staffers, and you've got a whole new level of ridiculousness!

me and my date! dave and I were sitting across from meredith cromer and brian and she told me that brian was her date, so since i was sitting between a wall and dave, dave was my date! i think my date was the cutest, but shhhhhh! don't tell any of the others! ;)

me with ashley and kim, aka "mindy and wendy" in our am show

stephanie, tuba, cromer, and brian

mike, me, andy, and meredith

chase, acting like he owns the place! ;)

a lil' dance party errupted in the lobby as we were gathering to leave. you just can't take these people out in public!! and NO, we were not drinking! we come by this fun the good, ole' fashioned way! we create it ourselves!!

i only put this picture in because i know deanna will see it eventually and will absolutely LOVE it! ;)
ok, i've tried to add more pictures, but blogger isn't letting me. so this will have to do it for now and i'll post some more soon!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a blast! One more week can do it!

deanna said...

i could almost beat you up for that picture. I mean...
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