Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Missin' my boys!

This was a picture of David and Grayson's first time to "meet" (well, not literally in that moment--but the first visit amongst cousins.) David saw Grayson within a few hours of his birth, but they were heading back to Missouri and didn't get to stick around for all the NICU fun back in December! Kyle, Katie and David came in early May for a visit and the boys hit it off just fine.

I believe I may get to go with Erica and Damon to visit our Missouri folk at the end of the summer and I must say I'm kinda excited about that...and just thinking about them makes me miss them all so much! This going to camp gig is much different now! Erica says Grayson has changed so much since I left and I believe it. He would change so much in a day or two when I was there...I can't imagine what almost 10 weeks will bring! He's sitting up now and I can hear all of the fun new sounds he's making when Erica and I talk. He has yet to make many of those sounds when Erica holds the phone up to his face! She says his eyes just get big and then he tries to eat the phone!

I'm also excited to visit with David! He's a fun kid...and I can't believe he's old enough to be a kid! He has quite a Thomas the Train collection now, and I'm looking forward to some introductions! [I've been giving him Thomas the Train trains since he was born and Katie says he has a different voice and personality for each of them.]

And of course I'm missing Kyle and Katie and Erica and Damon...but they don't change quite as much! I am having a great time in South Carolina but I must admit I'm missing the fam just a little!

In unrelated news, this past week was our Christmas week and we capped it all off with a tent camping trip and rafting on the Nantahala in North Carolina. It was my first tent camping experience and I will say that it was kinda fun! I can't imagine tent camping in South Louisiana would be quite as enjoyable, but in the mountains of North Carolina, it was a great experience. We were on the grounds of Ridgecrest conference center and spent a little of Saturday afternoon in Black Mountain which is such a cute town! And then the river was absolutely breath-taking! It was like canoeing on the Ouiska Chitto, but about a million times better! This whole area is just so beautiful! I'm thinking I could live over here. Just a thought...no plans as yet!

Alright, I'm rambling like a fool so I'll end this now. I know I've done a horrible job of posting this summer. I do actually work, ya know!! I took a few pictures this weekend and I know some of the others took rafting pics so I'll try to nab some of those for all of my avid readers! ...hmph, yeah all those avid readers that as yet have NOT taken my very subtle hints about care packages!!! Well, except you Patty Marx--I KNOW you love me!!! :) Thanks for the cookies and the letter, Patty! It was great to hear from you! And yes, I know that the care package jokes are getting old...it's just that I so love to make them! :) I'll stop now...would have stopped sooner had I actually gotten some, but oh well! ;)

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