Saturday, December 17, 2005

Oh yeah, I have a blog!

Greetings to all my lovely readers out there...and you too, Phillip. I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post! The days have just been zooming by! Ha, not really. I've just been doing all of the typical holiday stuff. Ya know, writing study guides, creating mid-terms, making grading rubrics, and all the other forms of torture that we teachers like to pull out at this time of year! ha! just kidding, of's almost as much torture to create them as it is to take them. I say almost, because I've been through the YEARS of taking them myself, and I must say it is a little less pressure to make them--at least I can use the book! :) AND I get the teacher's edition, another BIG perk! But then I have to grade them, which often proves as miserable as actually taking them.

I don't know where all of that came from! I was watching SNL and heard some reference to a "baker's dozen" (in that rap song about the Chronicles of Narnia--which was actually a pretty funny short!) Anyway, Damon and I had a conversation about how many of something were included in a baker's dozen (13, in case you didn't know) the other day and the reference sparked my interest. I was bored so I thought I'd look it up (because, yes, my life really is THAT boring!) I came across this funny post by some guy who's site I've never seen before. Just thought I'd share. Read's much funnier than I'm being tonight!

Having an early Christmas with the fam are sure to come! In other news, Erica will be going into the hospital on Sunday night and they will induce on Monday he's a comin'!! I'll keep y'all posted as events progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh that rap video on the Narnia was stinking hilarious! And I loved your pictures, too cute! What a precious little nephew! I have your CD...somewhere...I hope I don't pack it!