Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Eagle has landed! I repeat, the EAGLE has landed...yeah, I don't know either! ;)

It was a Christmas miracle! Erica and Grayson got to come home tonight!! Ok, I'm being a little silly about the whole 'Christmas miracle' bit, but I WAS beginning to wonder if it was ever gonna happen! Here are a few shots for your viewing pleasure. (And I'm quickly realizing that a digital camera and a newborn are a dangerous combination! I've probably taken over 150 shots and he's only 6 days old!)

Grayson already seems to be one for the holiday costumes...;)

Home Sweet Home

Grayson and his favorite aunt! ;) Shhhhh, don't tell Heather or Amber!! haha!

This was one of several pictures I took while holding Grayson...we just thought it was a neat shot!

It's been quite an eventful day! Damon and Grayson are all tuckered out!

On a different note, I am realizing that I am quickly turning into an OLD person! While I waited for Erica and fly. to come home, I occupied myself by watching the Prairie Home Companion on the public broadcasting station! Yeah, bring on the old-folks home! Actually, I would love to live in an assisted living center--have you ever seen those places? Cute little apartments, easy access to everything. Someone comes by every once in a while to check on you! It would be great! :) Alright, it's obviously getting to be a bit TOO late for me! Merry Christmas, y'all!


Phillip Hintze said...

I definitely know what you mean about the digital camera / newborn thing. We must have taken 1500 pictures in Jack's first year. Most of those were taken in the first 3-4 months.

Bee-ryan said...

I think there is an assisted living facility downtown Jefferson. You should look into it. I'm happy that Erica and Damon got to bring Grayson home. I'll have to fill you in on my family's Christmas cheer.

Mrs. D said...

He is SOOOOO cute!

Jenny Hintze said...

Hintzes make pretty babies, that's for sure. They may not all grow up to be knock outs, but they sure are cute when they're little.