I am supposed to be downstairs practicing theme interp with my staff, but I snuck away to do "official director business"--ya know, talk registration process with the location contact, call my coordinator for the hundredth time this week (just a joke--I'm a little more self-sufficient than that!)...check email, and blog! ;) Training week has been crazy busy but good. It's been neat getting to know these people that I've been communicating with via phone and email and praying for all spring! I've got a great staff and we are all working really hard to make things happen. As soon as I can get online on my computer (I'm in the conference center office at the moment), I'll post a few pics.
Kids come on SUNDAY!! We're excited...A little scared, but excited nonetheless. I know that God will do great and amazing things this summer and I'm just excited that I have a front-row view! Camp is truly a unique experience and working it is bone-tiring, but exhilarating! I am not gonna be posting on a very regular basis, but check back every now and then because I'll be trying to post when I can! And feel free to send me large care packages and bouquets of flowers to let me know you care! ;) You can send those packages to:
Skycroft Conference Center
Attn: Beth Hintze--Centrifuge Director
9621 Frostown Road
Middleton, MD 21769
I love packages and NO ONE EVER SENDS ME ANYTHING! (Sniff, Sniff...how do ya like that shameless plug for mail?!) I'll keep you posted as to when we move locations and have a new address, so keep those packages coming!!!! ;)
Seriously, I'm on my feet from 7:30am to 12:30am everyday and loving it...I'll just be happy when training week is done and we can settle into a normal routine! Then I'll only be on my feet from 7:45am to 11:30pm or 12:00am--MUCH better! ;) Please feel free to email or post comments. I won't always be able to respond as quickly as I'd like, but I enjoy hearing from my peeps!