Thursday, February 01, 2007


Ok, this really only applies to people who 1)actually read my blog, 2)live in Lafayette, and 3) watch Grey's Anatomy AND watch the evening news on that's pretty much Brian and Erica, as far as I know! ...but have you noticed the uncanny resemblance between KATC's Julia Kelley and Addison Montgomery (Kate Walsh) on Grey's Anatomy?! I do say that kinda tongue-in-cheek, but the hair is especially reminiscent. These aren't the best pics for comparison but they've both been doing the hot-roller hair lately and I must say that they both have good hair! Feel free to chime in!


Carrie said...

Ok, I meet all 3 of your requirements :) They do actually resemble each other! Wasn't that a great show last night!

beth hintze said...

Yes, it was great. I'm getting a little tired of the Callie vs. the girls plot line though...I wish they would either get along or agree to hate each other! The one when George's dad died was a really hard one to watch, but I thought it was very well-done. I love that show!

Carrie said...

I totally agree about the Callie plot line. Get over it girls already! I love her. Can you believe they got married?! And I am also glad Burke and Christina FINALLY talked, that was getting SO old. One more thing, 8 days to build a clinic? Come on! And I think they should bring Chris O'Donnell back on to date Izzy (they both lost someone).

Bee-ryan said...

OK, at first, I thought you were totally off the wall on this one. Then, I began to stare at the pictures. Slowly, but surely, they do look alike.

I much prefer Addison. Maybe it is because she is the vixen-doctor working at a state of the art hospital in Seattle, and Julie Kelley sits behind a news desk in Lafayette, LA.

Speaking of news anchors, I get more visits to my blog for the names David Begnaud and Lori Meaux Steele than any other visits. I wonder if they "superstars" themselves have come across my page? One can only dream...