Friday, February 23, 2007

They don't call it "going postal" for nothing!

I think my postman hates me and I'm not really sure why. True, I've never done the "Christmas bonus" stuff that the etiquette books say we should do for everyone-and-their-mother, but I have never seen the guy (or gal? as I've never seen him/her, I have no clue!) and isn't a paycheck payment enough? It's not like I get a bonus--and I'm busy shaping young, impressionable minds all day long! Anyway, I digress... But is that one seasonal etiquette faux pas enough to deserve mangled mail all year long?? Seriously. I do have one of those ridiculously small apartment boxes...but I'm thinking, so do alot of people! And does their mail get treated so poorly? I'm pretty good about clearing my box out on a daily basis, but I do go out of town from time to time, so in the matter of a couple of days the junk mail really starts to stack up...but there are no stacks! It's like he/she just jams the new stuff in behind the day-old stuff so that I can see it all in a rather misshapened chronological order. Sometimes it looks like he/she has literally balled the letter up and shoved it in there! I've actually had a cd broken in this process...and has anyone ever tried to call the post office to complain?! Yeah, don't bother. And then this morning I hear the truck back up to the building and then I hear a loud thud. Thinking that a truck has hit the building, I stick my head out of the door to find that I have a package on my mat. No one walked up to my second story apt. to place this at my door. No, the postal person chunked it at my door from the ground level! Is that not a little scary???

1 comment:

Bee-ryan said...

Those postal employees just ain't right.