Monday, September 04, 2006

wasn't it only yesterday?

Andre Agassi retired from professional tennis yesterday after losing in the third round of the US Open. He played professionally for 21 years. If you knew me very well when I was in high school, you'd know why I care. I became a little obsessed with Agassi while studying a unit on tennis in PE my sophomore year. Of course, he was not the sedate, 30-something you see here, he had hair any 80's metal band guy would envy and an attitude to go with it! He was--in his day--the bad boy of tennis...and I loved to watch him play! I checked tv guide every week and recorded any televised match I could find. I am not normally given to extravagant expressions of affection, but I was willing to suffer a little embarrassment in my dedication to this particular athlete. I'm sure I still have dog-eared magazine pics floating around somewhere in my high school memorabilia. I never bought one of those crazy Nike tennis shirts that he wore at the time...but I definitely considered it! I was a dedicated fan, to say the least. I followed him religiously for a few years, and then kinda lost interest in the whole tennis scene, but Agassi has always had a place in my heart. Even now, when I ran across a Agassi v. somebody match, I'd pause to watch for a moment--sorta like checking in on an old friend. I felt it only right and proper that I acknowledge his retirement. He had a long and varied career and I suffered through it with him for a few short years. Funny, it doesn't seem all that long ago!


Mrs. D said... is funny how you can know someone for so has been a LONG time....and have no idea that they were once OCD on AA. Oh my goodness! This is funny, really funny.

Did YOU know that I was once the avid tennis player myself? Yep, back in the good ol' days of 9th grade. My how time has changed me...for the worser! (PS...Since it is Labor Day, I am an OFF DUTY English teacher!)


Anonymous said...

I have to say....I DO remember those days. I guess you could call it "a dedicated fan." You're right though, it does seem like it was THAT long ago. Hey, do you remember Mom calling him Andre Agatha????