Saturday, September 23, 2006

the blog, she is a changin'

i am completely bored with all of the templates...but i'm also completely html illiterate! so this is as good as it gets for the moment. bonus points for identifying the quote! (i realize that it's a piece of cake for some of you.) feel free to impart any html wisdom you might have lying around!


Phillip Hintze said...

is it from the old Disney version of Robin Hood?

beth hintze said...

yeah, the title is from the song on the movie...i wanted something pointless and catchy...don't ask me why, but that's what came to mind. but the bonus points are for the quote under the title. :)

Kent said...

you might try looking up myspace layouts and then if you want, I can help transfer those to regular web site layouts. Also, some of those layout sites have separate code for blogs as opposed to just myspace. let me know if you need more help.

Unknown said...

Monty Python and the Holy Grail :)