Sunday, September 17, 2006

I don't get it

Perhaps it's because I was an English ed. major and as such, was subjected to a wide range of literary genres, but I've always had an appreciation for styles and techniques that I may not personally enjoy. With a few notable exceptions, (The Grapes of Wrath and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn topping that list) I like--or I should say that I can appreciate--most everything I read. That tends to extend into my movie-viewing as well. I love solid writing and a well-developed plot, but I feel like I am intelligent and educated enough to enjoy other cinematic aspects as well...clever camera angles, quality editing, good lighting...even a quirky storyline. But I am afraid that my appreciation seems to have found its limits. I recently watched The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and I must admit...I don't get it! I don't understand under what circumstances this movie might be considered entertaining! I will say that there were a few humorous moments, but overall, it was not an overwhelming success in my book. I have even searched my beloved in search of message boarding that might shine some light on this movie, but alas, I still don't have a clue as to it's appeal. Now, I know some people LOVE this film and one such person has recently tried to explain its appeal...but to no avail. I believe that I will continue to 'not get' this film, no matter what the explanation. I hate it when I can't figure something out!


Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly. I thought it was dumb and it took all I had to actually watch the film in its entirety.

Jenny Hintze said...

How many times have you watched it? You should watch it a few more times before making a decision. It's one of our favorites.

Phillip Hintze said...

It's probably my least favorite Wes Anderson film (after The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, and Bottle Rocket), but it's still way up there on my list.

His movies tend to be more about character development than literal action/plot. I love his characters. Dignan, Max Fisher, and all of the Tenenbaums are just so interesting and well-developed. Steve Zissou is just as interesting to me.

As an aside, why do we have such knee-jerk reactions when people don't like the same movies that we do? Like if someone tells me that they hated The Godfather and I'm like "that's 'cause you're too stupid to get it" or something. It's not like I was personally involved in the production or something. I mean, what do I care if you'd rather watch Pride and Prejudice than The Big Lebowski?

beth hintze said...

I've only seen it once. I am not quite sure why I'd like to sit through it a second time, but I've set the DVR to record it maybe I'll take another stab at it this weekend. We shall see...I'm not really patient with things I need to watch several times to appreciate. Now, I do recognize that some movies DO get funnier after several viewings, but I usually find some sort of initial appeal that makes me want to see them again. I'm not feeling it here, but I hate that I don't get maybe I'll keep watching until I do! Well, I'll watch it one more time. If I don't get it after that...I'm OUT!!

I will say that I watched This is Spinal Tap a couple of weekends ago and I do find that movie funny...and I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail so I'm not completely immune to off-beat humor!

Phillip Hintze said...

Have you seen Rushmore or The Royal Tenenbaums yet? If not, you should.

Oh, and This is Spinal Tap is just classic. There are so many quotable lines.

beth hintze said...

i saw most of TRT a few years ago. i was determined to make it to the end but something came up and we left and so i never got to see the end. i can't say that i really understood that one either. i've never seen Rushmore. perhaps i'll give them a try...i'm determined not to let this beat me!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Spinal Tap rocks! If you liked that check out Waiting for Guffman. Speaking of I have to get my copy back from someone...

Unknown said...

Emily and I watched the Royal Tenenbaums in the theater, and I'm pretty sure we were the only 2 people who laughed the whole time. For what it's worth...