Tuesday, August 22, 2006

*tap, tap*..."is this thing working?"

Apparently, my powers of mind control are on the fritz these days! UGH!!! Why won't people do what I want them to do! I'm gonna leave that vague and cryptic. Maybe it's YOU I'm talking about! That's right, YOU!!! So why don't you just stop right now and think, "hmmmm...what might Beth be wanting me to do???" You just keep thinking until you come up with something--nice of course!--and then you DO IT! ;) In the meantime, I'll keep working on it on my end. Who knows, maybe it will happen?! That's all I got for tonight, folks! Peace y'all!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I called you tonight, was that what you wanted me to do? :) Did you ever get the card I sent you???

katie said...

Okay, so are you going to let us know what "it" is once "it" happens? I'm voting for "it" to be something that might lead to more cousins for David....:P

beth hintze said...

gees, Katie! If I can't manage to get someone (of no romantic interest) to return a phone call, I don't know how great I'd be at any larger endeavors!! ;)

Bee-ryan said...

OK OK OK....I'm going to pick up the rest of my things as soon as I can! =)