Wednesday, August 16, 2006

done with, that is

WHAT is the deal with all of these America's "something" type shows that seemed to multiply like rabbits over the summer??? I don't watch tv for a couple of months and I come back to all of these performance shows: America's got Talent, Rockstar SuperNova, So you think you can dance?, America's Next Top Model, etc. Not to mention the shows coming out this fall ranging from Celebrity Duets to another installment in the endless run of American Idol I'm sure. And then we have shows like Amazing Race, Fear Factor, and Survivor. I'm sure I'm leaving plenty out. When will it ever end? Why are these shows so popular? I don't understand the fascination. Feel free to explain.


Am i there yet? said...

I really don't understand the attraction myself. I'm watching one of my favorite shows right now - Monk. I think we're all a little OCD at times:)
Have a good weekend and I'll see you Monday.

Bee-ryan said...

I hate reality TV. I watch TV to escape from reality, not to watch a bunch of nobody's plot the ultimate death of their castmates. I have some reality for America: Go Outside! Now, that's real.