Thursday, May 11, 2006

HELLO!!!! Did you SEE The Office finale?!?!

Well folks, it finally happened tonight!!! :D (And yes I do realize how sad it is that I'm living vicariously...shut up!) My favorite relationship on The Office has always been that of Pam and Jim--my second is that of Jim and Dwight, but I digress. Ah, the angst of hidden affection!!! It's painful to watch, but it's a rather sweet pain. I cannot believe that Jim finally told Pam that he loved her!!! I know I sound really cheesy and girly (and it IS just a tv show) but it was definitely a season finale with some punch...well, the rest of the show wasn't particularly gripping, but the last few minutes definitely were!! I absolutely love Jim Krasinski and Jenna Fischer is one of my Myspace 'friends' so of course you can see why I feel like I have the place to comment on their relationship?!

Ah, but as always the pain of the season finale is setting in...we don't get to know the rest of the story until the fall! And of course it never plays out as you imagine it should.! But I'm so glad Erica and Damon have a DVR because I think I need to see this one again. :)

update: I did watch it again and I must say that the rest of the show was much more interesting than I'd first realized. I recognized it even as it was happening, but the first time I watched it, I was looking for the Pam/Jim storyline. But OMG(osh)--the rest of the show was GREAT! I love this show!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, just sent you an email about it (just watched it...again... watched the last 5 minutes about 5 times...still feel you're sad?:). It was awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Beth! I miss our blogging days. It was so therapeutic, wasn't it? Do you still see comments?

~Your photography friend from AZ

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey! I do miss blogging. We should have kept it up and maybe we could have huge followings by now!! I come up with new posts all the time, but no real place to write them anymore...nor the time to really develop them! *sigh* seems like life was simpler back then.