Sunday, September 25, 2005

the soundtrack of my life

Ok, that is a bit of exaggeration, but I'm really liking Kelly's new CD (new to me--I finally broke down and bought the sucker last week.) I don't know why, but I love angry chic rock...ok, perhaps misplaced, buried frustrations with those of the opposite sex may have something to do with it, but I'm over all that...right? And I wouldn't normally consider Kelly Clarkson an 'angry chic' but maybe she enjoys the genre as well, as several of the songs on this CD have a bit of angry in the mix!

Anyway, I just love 'belting it out' as I travel down the road, and as I had a long road to travel today, I was belting for a while! I think I made myself hoarse! 'Because of You' is a little beyond personal experience for me, but that doesn't make it any less fun to sing! Overall, I'm still liking this original American Idol, which is strange because the first season is the only one I really followed. I think KC has done a good job of proving herself a genuine talent and I hope she continues to experience success! Us angry chics have to stick together, ya know! ;)


Anonymous said...

BETH HINTZE!! where are the lovely pictures of your junior class from farmer day?!


beth hintze said...

Sorry Hanna! I'll post them today. And why in the world are you up and reading my blog at 5:51am?!