Thursday, July 21, 2005

Long time, no see!

Hey! I can't believe that I haven't posted since the 8th! I just don't have much of a chance to sit at a computer pondering witty and intelligent things to post! I'm too busy directing camp and all! Ugh, it's crazy when life interferes with your blogging time! ;) I got to go to a few of our ministry sites this week and one of those was a dairy farm where the kids were doing random farm chores. I had a lot of fun and took several pictures...I'll be posting those and others when I go home. We will be heading for Michigan this weekend via Sandusky--yes, that's where Tommy Boy's dad's factory was located--and Cedar Point Amusement Park (a GREAT roller coaster park, if you're into that sort of thing...i'm usually not, but this is my third time to go, so even I enjoy it!) Then it's one more week of camp and then home. I love camp, but I'm ready to come home! Until then...


Bee-ryan said...

Finally an update. What am I supposed to read when you are not blogging? I have to re-read your old posts. Can't wait until you come home!

Anonymous said...

Get home soon!


Anonymous said...

While in Sandusky, watch out for those midnight fire alarms.

beth hintze said...

yeah, 2am fire alarms yet! I'm glad, because there's no Charlie here to rescue us all from an expended fire extinguisher! ;)