Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Words cannot express...

I just spent an AMAZING evening with my FAVORITE uncle and I just CAN'T stop smiling! ha! Tonight I had the opportunity to spend some time with my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Donald. They were in the area visiting family and came to Lafayette JUST TO SEE ME...and Erica. ;) We met at CC's for coffee with Erica and Damon. Later we went to Blue Dog Cafe for dinner. No pictures there though...I was too busy eating! The food was good but the visit was great.

About 6 years ago (has it REALLY been 6 years?) I lived near my aunt and uncle in Texas, but since moving back to Louisiana, I have done a horrible job of keeping in touch. Tonight was a lot of fun catching up on what's going on with friends and the family (and let me tell ya, SOME stuff is going on in the family! I have an interesting extended family...ok, so it's mostly just Theresa...and she's not technically family anymore, but it's all quite interesting! Us Hintzes are gonna be known for SOMETHING! ha!)

Seeing Uncle Donald has also made me realize how much I miss the 'Hintze' sense of humor. It's quite unique and I'm sure a little overbearing in large doses, but to me it was strangely comforting and it makes me a little homesick for the 'olden days' when we saw each other regularly...and it makes me miss my dad. Anyway, here are a couple of pics we took at CC's. You can tell how happy Uncle Donald was to see his FAVORITE nieces! ;)

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