Saturday, May 21, 2005

I just think it's funny to see a grown man sprawled out on the ground!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had some weird urge to write to Santa today. But I didn't really feel like wasting the postage, and I'm sure it would just get dumped somehwere in the Looney bin, seeing as how it's July and all. But if I was going to write him, it would go something like this. "Dear Santa, Mr. Kringle, or however you prefer to be called nowadays...I'm fairly certain that you are not the guy at the mall, on the street corner ringing a bell, or even the guy they put on Coke bottles to move more soda during the holidays. I think you're just a regular guy with a special job, and you only really have to bust your tail one day out of the year, so congrats on having infinite job security and 364 (365 on leap years) vacation days. My point in writing to you or whomever reads your correspondences and places them in the correct stack of letters is to ask you for a random present. But before I go too much further, this one isn't just for me. It's for all the boys and girls around the world who slug through life and just make it day to day. It's for the soldiers getting shot at, it's for the people who think life isn't worth living. It's for the people who have started off meaning well and have burnt out helping others. It's for the kids who are scared because their mommy and daddy fight and take it out on them. It's for all of the cynics (myself included) who can't dream anymore because they're tired of their dreams being broken, so they can't see the point anymore. It's for the people who have fallen in love with the wrong people and can't seem to straighten themselves out. It's for the people who have never known love, and don't know what the big fuss is about. It's for the romantics who express themselves artistically, but can't seem to keep their inspirations flowing. It's for the lost souls who don't know which way is up and how to move forward in life because they have lost their way, but they hold onto whatever hope they have that change will come. All I'm asking for, Mr. Clause, is one perfect day. Twenty-four hours of bliss. One opportunity out of more than 300 for every person on this planet to find what they need to find, see what they need to see. Just a reminder for everyone that life can be spectacular, but you have to savor the good and store that up for when things aren't. I can't say that I've been good this year, but if you're grading on a curve, I've been darn near saintly compared to some of the people in the Corporate sector. I know this should probably been sent to God's mailbox, but that's another letter entirely. Hope you're doing okay, and thanks for reading this.