Tuesday, May 24, 2005

finals, kool-aid red highlights, too much shopping, and a big girl bed...

Alright, it's the best I can do! Life has been rather busy lately, so I just thought I'd give my dedicated readers a little rundown of my life. It's really just a random collection, so here we go...

tomorrow is the last day of finals at school. I just love finals when I'm not the one taking them! ;) I spent quite a few hours preparing the suckers--probably more time than MOST of them actually spent studying--so I don't feel bad about saying that! The hours of quiet time have been great for working on camp stuff, of which I still have PLENTY to do! I can't believe that school is over on Friday...I can't believe I'm leaving for New York on Friday!!

So, trip to NYC + camp = LOTS of shopping...I'm tired of spending money! It's all stuff I need (or at least I THINK I need! clothes, a bigger memory card, shoes, clothes, a bag, clothes...) but I find shopping slightly addictive so the more I shop, the more I WANT to shop and the more stuff I think I need. ugh! Thankfully it's almost over...and I still have receipts! ;) And a few cute outfits for the trip!!

I have slept in a twin bed for most of my life. I shared a room with my sister when I lived at home and when I moved out, that bed came with me because I couldn't afford anything else. Throughout my adult life, I've aspired to have something larger than a twin bed, but circumstances have never been favorable. Well, the tides they are a' changin' because I finally got a 'big girl bed' yesterday! And it was given to me, so that means I didn't have to spend more money. Now I get to go shopping for new bed linens! how fun...but that will have to wait until August.

In preparation for the trip/summer, I 'got my hair did' today. It's been a while since I've done anything fun with color...so now I have blonde and kool-aid red highlights. Nothing to worry about though, the red will fade a good deal. It's just strangely bright for a few days.

So my Aunt Sussie gave me her old, I'm sorry, vintage SLR camera last week. I remember her using it when I was a kid and I was always fascinated by it. She mentioned she was thinking about selling it in a garage sale. I asked--ok, begged a little--so she's given it to me! How fun! Now if only I had time to learn how to use it! It's a Canon AE-1 and it's probably 25+ years old. If you'd like to know more about it, you can click here.

My new old Canon AE-1

Joni called me tonight and told me that Ms. Runnels died on Sunday. Even though I knew she was old, I just can't believe she died. She's like an icon from my childhood. That woman had some spunk! Daddy always called her "Wreckin' Runnels" because she drove like she was the ONLY one on the road. She dipped. She owned a gun and knew how to use it. She was a public bus driver in Houston during the time of desegregation and the civil rights movement. Her family were bootleggers during the depression. She was one tough old bird! She was 93...and I can't believe she's gone.

And now I'm doing laundry and trying to decide which of my outfits looks 'less countrified' since I'm heading to the 'big city' for the week. And the weather looks like it's gonna be pretty mild! yay! it's been WAY too hot here lately! NOT typical May weather.

People keep telling me that they are jealous of our trip to NYC. My response is simply, "spend the money and you too can take your own trip!" Vacations aren't cheap, but this is SO worth it!

ok, you can open your eyes...the randomness is over now. I think that's the dryer buzzer going off now...and miles to go before I sleep... :)


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous.

Bee-ryan said...

That is a great picture of the camera with the books stragetically placed behind them. It looks deeply intellectual. Oh, and "yay" on the "big girl bed." I'm so proud. You are now better than Kevin because you are sleeping in something larger than a twin. Oh yeah, and you have 2 degrees and you don't live with your mom. I could go on and on. Yeah...take a pic of your highlights. I wanna see how you got wild and crazy. Jessica was so nice in her last post on my blog. Touched my lil' heart. Dey some nice people, yeah. Can you believe that Baker Hughes even called me? I'm still freaking out about it, and I wanted to include it in my comment on your blog. Send lotsa pics from NYC, and I am jealous too. The farthest I have ever been from Ebenezer is FL, in 1982. Poor little country boy.