Friday, January 04, 2008

Hi there!

I figured it was time that I brought this blog into 2008! I start at OCHS on Monday, so most of my time has been spent trying to clean up my gross classroom and work on what I will be teaching on the first week back. I'm gonna rock some repeater-freshman worlds! Oh the pain I will cause. I'm almost kind of excited about it!! ...that's a little bit sick and twisted, but that's what happens when you sub for too long! I'm a mean ole' bird now! *insert maniacal laughter here*

Anyway, on a non-school subject, I've decided that it's time for me to take a trip. It's been way too long since I've been a tourist! But I have a few hurtles to conquer: 1-I need someone to go with! I'm not good at touristy stuff by myself--I need to share the experience! 2-Money, but that will come. I'm not too worried about that one. 3-I need a destination! Now, the destination is, of course, dependent on mainly #2 with obvious consideration to the feelings of #1...but if I had my druthers--and what exactly ARE druthers, anyway--this is what I would say:

US--New York City--late spring/early summer (because it's just time to go back!)
US--Chicago--late spring/early summer (because I've never been but I've heard good things)
US--Walt Disney World--mid-spring (because I love WDW and it's been too long!)

Europe--Ireland/Scotland/Great Britain (because I just saw P.S. I Love You and the Ireland scenes are just so beautiful!)
Europe--Italy(because I've wanted to visit for a few years now!)
Australia/New Zealand (because who doesn't want to go there! How cool would that be!)
Africa--South Africa (because I've wanted to go to Africa for a while now...I'm open to other areas of Africa and a mission trip to somewhere in Africa would be great, but I know that they speak English in South Africa, so I picked that country for a vacation destination--purely American egotism at work in that decision!)

So, anyone looking to take (and/or finance) any of these fabulous trips, talk to me! If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time! :)


Anonymous said...

I am hoping that your travel desires become a reality!


Anonymous said...

well, i would love to accompany you on any of these adventures. i believe that our funds would leave us in the continental US.
Your faithful travel companion,

Mr. and Mrs. D said...

Hell-OOOOOO! Where are you? Have you been swallowed by the bowels of OCHS???

Just an inquiring mind wanting to you (aka nosey)!

Post something! :D

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am catching up on your blog and think you ought to add LA to your list of must visit and soon!