Wednesday, July 18, 2007

growing up!

I realized that it's been a while since I've posted any pics of the 'fam'. I bought a Nikon N80 a few months ago and, since then, I haven't done much with my digital camera (nor have I done a good job of developing the film, but that's a whole 'nother story!) I shot these pictures of Grayson out at Mammy's house (that's what he calls Mom--it's supposed to be Grammy, but he's changed it to Mammy! Now, had any of US suggested that she be called "Mammy," she would have hurt us, but since it's Grayson--he who does no wrong--she's ok with it! I still think it's funny, but I digress...) a few weeks ago and just picked up the film tonight, so I've scanned some of them on my dinky little scanner and posted them here for the delight of my one reader!! We just got back from a trip to Missouri to visit Kyle, Katie, and David, and those pics are off to be developed as I maybe I'll post them soon! Until then, Grayson (age 18 months) at Mammy's:


The solemn profile shot

The kid likes to clean...he takes after his aunt! What can I say?! ha!

Get ready GQ!! ;)


(I think this is my favorite of the bunch!)


Gregg, Mandi, Lucie, Griffin, Drew and Caleb said...

Grayson is precious! I can't believe he's already 18 months

Am i there yet? said...

Wow, Grayson is getting so big! A cutie pie as always. Ever thought about developing your love for writing and taking pictures into a career? I hope everything is going well for you. Two weeks left before we start school - I'll miss you and Jen so much.
