Sunday, May 13, 2007

long time no see!!

no, i have not forgotten that i have a blog. yes, i do miss blogging. i still find myself composing potential posts in my head from time to time. my absence has been a forced hiatus of sorts. i just have not had the time these days...well, "not having the time" is not truly accurate. i'm still finding the time to watch LOST and Grey's Anatomy pretty religiously. i got a new camera that i've been having fun playing with. i just found a new nail color that i'm loving something fierce so now i have really cute toes!

i guess it's better to say that i've been mentally removing a few irons from the fire. blogging is fun, but when i'm creating a bevy of notes and assignments and tests, and then doing contract editing in the meantime, my words are maxed out--and no commenting from the peanut gallery! ;) i'm only blogging now because i'm looking for a way to procrastinate a little before going back to work! yep, too many irons in the fire. hopefully, things will be easing up soon. school is finished on May 25th. I'm not working camp for the first time in SIX years, so i plan to spend the time catching up on the contract work and enjoying the down time. i'm still not sure what will happen this fall with regard to jobs and where i'll be living and all, but i don't need to decide any of that in the next two weeks, so i won't worry about it now.

i just wanted to say hi and apologize to my one reader for abandoning my blog! i'll do better this summer, i promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wil depend on this blog and catch ups over coffee unil your possible departue. im glad you have returned from hiatus ive missed your randomness.
~becca lacy